Employing Life Insurance in Estate Planning to Protect Your Legacy

Generally, whole life insurance is more of an investment, while term life insurance is fee-based and ends if you stop paying those fees.

Do I Need a Will if I Have a Trust?” Trust holders Should Not Ignore the Role of Wills in Estate Planning

One very common question people wonder when creating a trust is, “Do I need a will if I have a trust?” The simple answer is, “Yes.”

Unlock Hassle-Free Inheritance: Stay out of Probate Court with this Quick Estate Planning Guide

Among the worst issues are that probate court can delay transferring your assets to your heirs, can cause privacy issue because probate cases are a matter of public record, can be costly if your estate has to hire a lawyer, and can open your estate up to conflict from a probate challenge.

Unlocking a Secure Future for Your Young Kids: Create the Ultimate Estate Plan

Estate planning is not about you, or even about you and your spouse. Estate planning is about making difficult decisions, so your loved ones don’t have to make them for you when you are gone.

Probate in Arizona

Most probate cases in Arizona are informal and can be filed and monitored by court personnel with no need to appear in court for any hearings.

Informal and Formal Probates in the State of Arizona

Most probate cases in Arizona are informal and can be filed and monitored by court personnel with no need to appear in court for any hearings.

Estate Planning in the State of Arizona

Estate planning can provide individuals and married couples, the ability to decide how to distribute their assets after death so that it is not left to their family or if no family, the State to decide the fate of your assets.