The adoption process is faster than most court cases. Usually, this is because the hard work is done before the Petition to Adopt is filed. The hard work would include termination of parental rights, becoming certified to adopt, or obtaining placement through the Department of Child Safety or an agency.

The adoption process starts with a Petition to Adopt. There are three timelines for adoption cases.  These are detailed in Arizona Revised Statutes §8-113.  

1. Within sixty days if the child has resided in the home of the prospective adoptive parent or parents for at least one year immediately preceding the filing of the petition for adoption. If the prospective adoptive parent is the stepparent of the child, this requirement applies only if the stepparent has been married to the birth or legal parent of the child for at least one year.

2. Within ninety days if the child is under three years of age or has resided in the home of the prospective adoptive parent or parents for at least six months preceding the filing of the petition for adoption.  If the prospective adoptive parent is the stepparent of the child, this requirement applies only if the stepparent has been married to the birth or legal parent of the child for at least one year.

3. In all other cases, within six months after the filing of the petition for adoption.

These deadlines can be extended if unusual circumstances exist. On the other hand, proceedings can be accelerated. Examples for acceleration include terminal illness of the child or prospective parent or the child is over the age of 16.

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Brittany Labadie